
Financial Gift for a Baby Shower

Baby showers are exciting. Waiting for the newest member of the family to arrive!

I remember going to my first co-ed shower as an early twenty something and having to ask my girlfriend (now wife) and mom, ummm what do I buy!

So, to the baby registry I went and looked through the pages filled with diapers, bottles, clothes, safety gear, etc. and I thought those are all good thing to have and get but it didn’t seem me.

So, I thought back to my childhood and what things did I have that the new baby and parents could enjoy.

It hit me a piggy bank!

I used their nursery theme and knew they were Disney fans and began my search for the perfect piggy bank.

I looked at Target, Walmart, Hallmark, and various other specialty stores but couldn’t find the right one.

I was on a trip to New York City and stopped in FAO Schwarz and found it the Disney piggy bank!

Who knew it was so hard to find, this was pre amazon! So, I bought the bank filled it with some money and gave it to them at the shower.

They LOVED it and I got many compliments about what a great idea it was. I liked the fact that it was unique and hope I started a trend.

I wrote in the card here is the start of your savings future, drop in your money and watch me fill up. Fast forward several years and they still have the piggy bank filled with money!

About The Frugal Father

I am a dad, husband, proud dog dad and trying to juggle money! I would love to share about personal finance, teaching your kids about money management, side hustles, and my path towards FIRE!

Empowering your wallet one penny at a time!

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