
Kids and Money

How to Teach Young Kids about Money Skills

Teaching young kids about money skills is an essential aspect of their education. Financial literacy is not only important in adulthood, but also in early childhood, as it can help children understand the value of money, budgeting, saving, and spending wisely.

By teaching young kids about money, you can instill valuable habits that can help them achieve financial success in the future.

Here are some effective ways to teach young kids about money

  1. Introduce the Concept of Money Early It’s never too early to introduce the concept of money to young children. Even preschoolers can learn the basics of counting and recognizing coins and bills. You can start by showing them different types of coins and bills and explaining their values. You can also introduce them to the concept of exchanging money for goods and services. For example, you can explain that you need to pay for groceries or toys, and that you use money to do that.
  2. Set a Good Example Children learn by example, so it’s important to model good financial habits yourself. If you want your children to be financially responsible, you should practice what you preach. Set a good example by budgeting your own money, saving for the future, and spending wisely. You can also involve your children in some financial decisions, such as choosing a less expensive vacation or shopping for the best deals on household items.
  3. Give an Allowance Giving an allowance is an excellent way to teach kids about money. It can help them understand the value of money, budgeting, and saving. You can start by giving your child a small weekly allowance and explaining that they need to use it to buy the things they want. Encourage them to save some of their allowance money for bigger purchases. You can also use their allowance as an opportunity to teach them about budgeting, explaining that they need to plan their spending to make their money last.
  4. Use a Piggy Bank A piggy bank is a great tool for teaching young children about money. You can start by giving your child a piggy bank and encouraging them to save their money. Explain that when they put money in the piggy bank, they are saving it for a future purchase. You can also use the piggy bank to teach them about the value of different coins and bills. For example, you can ask them to sort their money by denomination or count the number of coins they have. Someone got us a piggy bank for each of our kids and they still have it today!
  5. Play Money Games Playing games that involve money is a fun way to teach children about finances. There are many games that can help children learn about money, including Monopoly, The Game of Life, and Allowance for Kids. You can also create your own games, such as a store where children can “buy” items with play money or a savings game where children earn points for saving their money. We have played all these games with our kids and Monopoly and Allowance have been the family favorites!
  6. Teach about Wants vs. Needs Teaching children the difference between wants and needs is an important aspect of financial literacy. You can start by explaining that needs are things that we require to live, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Wants are things that we desire, but don’t necessarily need, such as toys, gadgets, or sweets. You can use everyday situations to reinforce this concept. For example, when you are shopping for groceries, explain that you need to buy food to eat, but you don’t need to buy the extra treats.
  7. Open a Savings Account Opening a savings account for your child is an excellent way to teach them about saving money. Take your child to the bank and let them deposit their own money. Explain that the bank will keep their money safe and pay them interest. You can also use the savings account to teach them about compound interest, explaining that the longer they leave their money in the account, the more interest they will earn.

Final Thoughts

I believe teaching young kids about money is an essential aspect of their education. Setting you up for success in the future provides opportunities, growth, and confidence. Everyday is a learning experience use it wisely. Yes we can be tired or super busy but take a moment to educate them and see them shine! Money basics are easy and implementing all or some of the above strategies are a great way to start!

What other ways do you have to teach young kids about money?

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Read more: How to Teach Kids the Value of Money (And Why They’re Never too Young) – with Liz Frazier (marriagekidsandmoney.com)

About The Frugal Father

I am a dad, husband, proud dog dad and trying to juggle money! I would love to share about personal finance, teaching your kids about money management, side hustles, and my path towards FIRE!

Empowering your wallet one penny at a time!

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