
Best Frugal Living Money Saving Tips

Best 10 Extreme Frugal Living Strategies to Save You Money

I tried these 10 extreme frugal living tips/hacks for a few months to save us money. These were some of the best frugal living ways we saved a TON of money!

We are always looking for new money-saving techniques. Sometimes we do need to go EXTREME!

Who doesn’t want more money in their pockets to save, invest, share, or travel.

Using these frugal hacks we saved alot of money. We can no longer afford to be wasteful with money due to increased cost of living, inflation, etc.

10 Extreme Frugal Living Strategies to Save You Money

1. Pick up Every Coin

I have a friend that throws her pennies in the trash. She also thinks it’s “below” her to pick coins off of the ground. It’s just wrong! Last year, I picked up every coin I spotted on the ground and put it into my vacation coin jar! A little goes a long way.

2. Save Condiments

When you eat out at a restaurant, make sure you save all packaged condiments. My uncle never paid for a single condiment his whole life due to this practice. He had a huge Ziploc bag in his fridge full of every kind of condiment you could think of. As a kid, I thought it was pretty weird. As an adult, I think it’s genius.

3. Don’t Wash Your Hair

My hairdresser suggested this to me, and it saved me a great deal of money. I went from washing my hair daily to only washing it once a week. My hair is a lot healthier now, less dry, and I also save an hour a day. Your body regulates itself and produces less oil when it becomes accustomed to being washed only once a week.

4. Put a Water Bottle in the Toilet Tank

This isn’t as bad as it sounds. If you put a capped water bottle filled with sand in the back of your toilet tank, you can displace enough water to save 10 gallons per day. It doesn’t seem like much, but it will save you $100 per year.

5. Eat Raw Foods

Raw vegetables are a lot less expensive than meat. You don’t need to use energy in your oven to cook them so you save money. The actual veggies themselves are cheaper than meat. If you don’t want to give meat up all together start by eating one day or one meal meat-free

6. Reuse Disposable Items

Disposable items such as plastic wrap, foil, and Ziploc bags can all be reused. I usually reuse them a few times. 

Only use reusable napkins and paper towels

This saves me a few dollars every year and it is good for the environment. We try to use plates for lunch instead of paper plates or towels. I have cut up old baby bath towels or reuse their rags for cleaning up spills.   I get extra ones from fast food places or public bathrooms

7. Use an Oil Lamp

This can save on electricity, and it will produce some heat as well. Please be careful with these!

8. Utensils

Get free ones from fast food or restaurants.  You can wash them off and reuse them again.

9. Free Water Bottles

When you go to a career fair, expo, or other event get yourself a free water bottle. You can even find a stainless steel one!

10. Use all your Products

Unscrew your shampoo bottle and add some water to the bottom to get everything out. Open face cream jars and scope out the bottom for more applications. You can get free wooden coffee stirs at a gas station and use them to get into the bottles!

Final Thoughts

Best 10 Extreme Frugal Living Strategies to Save You Money was a success. I love finding new economical solutions while still having fun and enjoying life. Using these frugal hacks we saved alot of money. We can no longer afford to be wasteful with money due to increased cost of living, inflation, etc. Find more Frugal Living Tips in another blog post

What are some of your Frugal Tips?

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Additional Reading: Smart Money Archives | Living Well Spending Less®

About The Frugal Father

I am a dad, husband, proud dog dad and trying to juggle money! I would love to share about personal finance, teaching your kids about money management, side hustles, and my path towards FIRE!

Empowering your wallet one penny at a time!

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